Even if you have great employee retention and morale, improvement on both those scores is a good idea, because both spur maximum productivity and teamwork. And if your retention and morale are average, or even subpar, all the more reason to pursue ways to improve.
Enter the exit interview! Exit interviews are discussions with departing employees about how they perceived the company and their time with it. Employees may be more apt to be candid about any challenges they encountered, because they are leaving. Exit interviews can capture information that will benefit the company.
Here are three needs exit interviews can fulfill.
Let you know of any onboarding or training needs.
It’s a good idea to ask employees if they felt the onboarding process and on-the-job training, they received was sufficient to allow them to do their jobs well. Be sure to ask open-ended questions that allow employees to discuss their experience. All too often, employers feel they know what employee experience has been, only to find out it may be different than intended.
Provide constructive feedback.
Exit interviews can also highlight areas where things need to be done differently. This is different than uncovering needs you didn’t know you had; it’s constructive feedback about things that are being done, but the employee might think aren’t working optimally as is.
Offer insight into retention strategies.
What would have made them stay? Many employers, for example, think that salaries and benefits are enough to make employees stay. Sometimes they are. But you might also discover an opportunity for growth or a chance to work remotely are highly important to a certain percentage of employees. The more you know about employee motivation overall, the better you’ll be able to develop excellent retention strategies.
How a Staffing Firm Can Help Your Business
Staffing firms can provide important help to businesses in suggesting employee satisfaction measures, reviewing hiring plans, and offering help with benefits plans and salaries. We’re happy to help. Contact us today.