This isn’t your big sister’s job market.
That is, for anyone who looked for work pre-pandemic, things have changed.
A “tad”:
- Eighty-two (82) percent of all job interviews in 2021 took place via video. (This may have declined now that country has opened up, but we believe it’s still a very high percentage.)
- That “employment gap” you have on your resume because you got laid off, got sick or took care of a sick family member? It’s not the red flag it once was. Be aware, though: additional employment gaps over the next few years could be a red flag to employers.
- Remote work – whether full-time or a hybrid of remote/on-site work is here to stay. Too many of us just really loved not having to commute. We may miss the camaraderie of the office, but not having to withstand a long, aggravating commute trumps the socializing on-site.
You probably have your own thoughts on how the job market has changed in just a bit more than three years. Yet this post is all about the skills you’ll need to develop if you’re going to thrive in this “brave new” work world.
The top four essential work skills you’ll need moving forward:
Being able to work remotely.
This, of course is “well, no kidding!” But if don’t have the necessary skills that allow you to work with technology such as laptops/computers, video software, scheduling/task reminding software, etc. you simply won’t be able to work from home. Notice what we’re not saying: we haven’t said you need to own this equipment yourself. You may have it at home, but many companies provide you with the tech equipment you’ll need to do your job for as long as you’re employed with them.
The skills to use them are critical here. (Although they’ll no doubt train you on any proprietary technology – both hardware and software — they will provide you.) You’ll also need a (relatively) quiet space in your home where you can work for eight hours a day without (too) much disruption.
Digital literacy.
Digital literacy is all about a person’s skills in finding, checking and sharing information using typing or digital media platforms. It’s a mix of technical know-how and smarts in using tech to create, evaluate and spread information. This skill is similar to the one above, but the “finding, checking and sharing information” so that you can “create, evaluate and spread information” is the key.
Tech changes in an instant, it feels. Just look at ChatGPT: did you even know it existed in early fall 2022 (just about nine months ago). It’s now everywhere. You may in fact, end up using it at work. AI is just one type of “tech” with which you may need to grow comfortable. No more “but we always did it THIS way” whining.
As the movie character said: “Adapt or die.”
Emotional intelligence. has said that emotional intelligence (sometimes referred to as “EQ”) is “the ‘something’ in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and social competence.” EQ helps you “focus your energy in one direction with a tremendous result.” Forbes reported that the company TalentSmart, an EQ training company, took EQ and 33 other important workplace skills, finding that emotional intelligence was the “strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58 percent of success in all job types.”
How can you acquire these skills?
Get training. Your employer may offer workshops, courses, etc. You also can look at your local colleges. Or online. Books or articles also will help.
Practice. As you learn these new skills, make sure you practice them, either on the job or off (It’s best if you can do both).
Ask for feedback. Assess your progress, either through testing or feedback from supervisors and even colleagues and perhaps family/friends. Identify where you’re meeting expectations and where you need to improve. Continue learning/practicing/asking for feedback.
Debbie’s Staffing has many temporary, contract-to-hire and even direct-hire opportunities at companies predominately in the eastern half of the U.S.
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